Josh Romano
Josh Romano


CrossFit Level 2 Certification

CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Owner and Coach

Josh Romano

About Coach

Fitness has always been something I've gravitated toward and sought after personally. I enjoy challenges, reaching new heights and seeing how far I can push myself physically and beyond. This mentality has made CrossFit a natural fit and given me an outlet to see what's possible. I can say I'm healthier and more well-rounded as an athlete today than I ever have been because the CrossFit philosophy, and community.

Turning Point

The turning point for me was falling off of regular training and seeing the negative impact on my well-being. I wasn't content not feeling my best so I have made it my mission to continue pursuing consistency, and progress.


It's quite simple. I believe the best job in the world is bringing out the best in others. My role as a coach gives me a front-row seat to these kind of occurrences on a regular basis. It never gets old.